LL - Wholesale or Affiliate Account requests

Handling a Wholesale Account Request 

We do not offer a "wholesale discount" to the general public.

We DO have a Health Partner program that is specifically for doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths, estheticians, or other licensed/certified health practitioners who would like to order for their office, spa, pharmacy, supplement store, or physical location. It allows a discount on bulk purchases of SCS and DML products. 

  • Requests of this nature should be assigned to PAM
  • INQUIRY RECEIVED BY PHONE: collect the customer's information (name, email, phone) and then make a phone notation or note on the existing inquiry/ticket and assign it to PAM -  also send her a slack that you've assigned the ticket.
    • there are 2 saved replies 
    • A. Wholesale Interest - for health practitioners  (this is for obvious health care practitioners).
    • B. Wholesale reseller reply - we do not allow online sales (this is for obvious resellers or marketers).
    • If you are unsure if they are a health practitioner or marketing/retail/reseller send reply A. 
    • Then assign in active to PAM.

PAM will review the request, and research their name, website, social media pages, and office/spa location to see if they own a legit business. We also look to see if they are in the practice of selling products online. If everything seems to be in line we will ask them to sign and return our health partner application which states:  

"Online sales of any form are not allowed, either through a personal or business website, social media account, or any other 3rd party site (eBay, Amazon, Walmart, etc.). In order to protect the value of our product, all approved partners should use pricing which is no less than our listed retail price. Instances of selling online or at lower prices than our retail price may result in your account being canceled and/or other legal actions."

If you happen to take a call with a request like this, it's important that you let the customer know that we do not allow online sales. 

-- In cases where people reach out to us and are NOT health practitioners but want to sell our products online, (reseller, retail marketer, or 3rd party seller), we will deny them immediately with a "we do not offer wholesale" reply and assign the ticket to Stacy so she can research and block them from ordering. 

Affiliate account requests

- We do have an affiliate program, and requests can assigned to LORI and she will forward those to laurence.

*** ONLINE RESELLERS - E-COMMERCE Sellers - Online retail requests or others who want to sell our product on amazon, eBay, or online. ***. requests of this nature should be assigned to PAM - pam will reply and assign to ZEL.

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