LL - Customer Happiness QA, KPI and management plan
Customer Happiness Quality Assurance & KPI management Plan
- TLC/QA Workshop for new team members
- Once new team members near the end of the training, they will meet with our QA/TLC team once weekly for 4 consecutive weeks. Weeks 1-3 will be our “TLC Workshop”, geared towards teaching the agent about the QA process. Weeks 1-3, we do not keep track of the points during these sessions, it is just for fun and a learning opportunity.
- Week 4 will be a real QA where the agent receives a real score, however, the agent will participate in the scoring process during this session.. (ie; listen to the call together and go down the line items discussing what the score should be - this should be a discussion between the Coach and the team member, and an opportunity for live coaching).
Weeks 1 and 2 - QA Workshop - The agent will meet with the QA team and listen to a call of another team member, then grade the call themselves using our current QA form, and discuss the call and grade with the QA Agent or manager. The main idea is to get them familiar with the grading form and to create a better understanding of the TLC/QA process. You will need to create a copy of our current grading form for the agents to use during the workshop. It’s important to let them be the ones to fill out the form.
Week 3 - QA Workshop - The agent will meet with the QA team and listen to their own call, then grade the call themselves, filling out the form themselves just like on weeks 1 and 2. Then discuss the call and the grade with the QA Agent or manager. The idea of this is to get used to hearing themselves and listening to their own call in an objective way. It’s important that they be the ones to use the grading form and figure out the final score.
Our QA team should set the expectation that the following week when they meet they will score the call together, and the grade will be added to their KPI sheet.
Week 4 - The agent will meet with the QA team and listen to their own call, then grade the call along with our QA team, discussing the call and grading afterward. This will be their first official score on their KPI form. Show the agent where their score will live on the KPI form. Explain that after today, you will grade their calls and provide feedback and an action plan to their manager, and their manager will meet with them to discuss it. If they have questions or concerns they can discuss those with their manager and there is also a dispute form (because we realize mistakes happen and sometimes we mistakenly grade things incorrectly).
Explain that they can get live QA’s again in the future if we identify areas they need additional help on.
After 4 weeks, the QA specialist is responsible for calibrating 2 customer transactions per agent/per week: 1 customer service email and 1 call.
The QA specialist will develop an action plan with coaching points, along with a screenshot copy for the agent, and provide it to the manager.
The manager will be responsible for scheduling a meeting with the agent for a live coaching session, at least twice per month. The manager can use this time to review KPIs with the agent as well.
KPI’s - Our main key performance indicators (KPIs) are:
- CSAT >85%
- Phone QA >85%
- Email QA>85%
- Chat QA>85%
- Wowing >85%
- FCR >85%
- Schedule adherence, meeting attendance, coaching, and training.
- Call and Email volume as well as missed calls may also be considered.
For each team member, the KPI/QA scores will be reviewed for 4 consecutive weeks before an average of the KPI/QA scores is figured.
For new hires, this allows a 60-75 day timeframe, which is an ideal time for the manager to assess their performance, coachability, and willingness to learn.
Every team member will be required to maintain a 90-day average KPI/QA score of at least 85% for Happiness/CSAT, PHONE QA, EMAIL QA, CHAT QA, and Wowing.
However, if the total QA score or any individual section of QA drops below 80% for 3 consecutive weeks, the member will receive a written warning and should be closely monitored by the manager and QA for improvements for 30 days. This includes attending 1 live coaching per week for 4 weeks with the QA team in addition to regular meetings/coaching with the manager.
If no improvement is seen after 30 days, the manager should consider a formal Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) outlining the specific improvements needed within a timeframe of the next 30 days.
- The PIP should be presented to the team member in a live 1:1 setting.
- The manager will meet with the agent once per week during the 4-week PIP period to review performance and assess if the appropriate improvement is being made.
- Copy of Performance Improvement Plan (PIP): https://docs.google.com/document/d/149yOtrbNr63Fbl5u7KOV8tA3k58F8pnC2cRmg8GN2-Y/edit?usp=sharing
- In some cases, the Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) may be combined with additional training via our BootCamp program.
- If the expected outcomes are not achieved or improvements are not attained during the PIP period a more formal action may be initiated under the relevant procedure at the discretion of the manager.
Other formal actions:
- A signed commitment to adhere to an additional 30-day Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
- Termination of contract or employment
If KPI/QA scores are above the stated average during the first 90 days, an extension of the contract or terms of employment will be considered. The manager should submit the team member's KPI/QA tracking sheet to the Director, who will work with Human Resources on the appropriate action.
cc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18auQb0sUswA0VUQdYFEgkggr5vDKtH5okWQDTE8bHXA/edit?usp=sharing