LL - TSM - Signature Gateway Refund Request


You are looking for the following Gateway before hitting the Refund button:

Also this one, which is the same gateway i.e. HERO - SIG 02 is what you need to be looking for:
If the order in question processed before July 27, 2021 - Do not refund the order if it is either gateway. Instead, add the information requested in the white areas only:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jMkmoD86dWr8b8ICcxBMIzqVoTsJUmtITm5kOgvDAws/edit#gid=0
If the order in question processed after July 27, 2021 - You can refund the card.
Assign this ticket to Elana with a detailed note which should include the gateway details (27) HERO - SIG 02 - Network Merchant Inc or (66) FlexPay_HERO - SIG 02_27 - FlexPay. Add the tag refund pending, and make the ticket pending. 
Once the refund is confirmed processed, Elana will add details to a ticket note and assign it back to the assigned for final follow up. 
No new SR has been created because the only difference between a regular refund response and one of these is thanking them for their patience / we are sorry for the inconvenience if we were previously trying to get PayPal email addresses

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