LL - Declined Order Reasons

If you place an order in Sticky.io and it declines you need to take note of the reason. In certain cases, as listed below, you will need to post in the "order decline help" slack channel for assistance from the operations team ( mainly for Gateway issues). --

**Special Note: if you resolve the decline issue before someone sees your post in the Slack channel please make sure to go back to the channel and let them know it has been resolved. ***

Decline Reason Examples in Sticky (Please note some digits quoted may change but the basic messages are the same) Decline Type Reprocess the order? What actions should you take?
Bank decline. Bank No refer customer to call their bank
Declined - do not honor. Bank No refer customer to call their bank
Do Not Honor Bank No refer customer to call their bank
DO NOT RETRY - Bank decline Bank No refer customer to call their bank
DO NOT RETRY - The card has been declined due to insufficient funds Bank No refer customer to call their bank
Insufficient funds Bank No refer customer to call their bank
Issuer Declined Bank No refer customer to call their bank
Issuer Declined MCC Bank No refer customer to call their bank
No account Bank No refer customer to call their bank
Over daily limit. Bank No refer customer to call their bank
Pick up card - L Bank No refer customer to call their bank
Pick up card - S Bank No refer customer to call their bank
Restricted Card - Pick Up. Bank No refer customer to call their bank
The bank has requested that you retrieve the card from the cardholder - it may be a lost card. Bank No refer customer to call their bank
The bank has requested that you retrieve the card from the cardholder - it may be a stolen card. Bank No refer customer to call their bank
The card has been declined due to insufficient funds. Bank No refer customer to call their bank
This transaction has been declined. Bank No refer customer to call their bank
Transaction not permitted to that cardholder. Bank No refer customer to call their bank
Your card has insufficient funds. Bank No refer customer to call their bank
CALL 18003372255 Bank No refer customer to call their bank
You need to refer to the Card Issuer. Bank No refer customer to call their bank
Security violation Bank No refer customer to call their bank
CALL CENTER Bank No refer customer to call their bank
RETRY WITH EMV 3DS Bank No refer customer to call their bank
CVV2 Mismatch Card Error Yes 1. Correct & retry once 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
Expired card Card Error Yes 1. Correct & retry once 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
Invalid card number Card Error Yes 1. Correct & retry once 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
Invalid Credit Card Number REFID:1135986012 Card Error Yes 1. Correct & retry once 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
Invalid transaction. Card Error Yes 1. Correct & retry once 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
35), (Rule #1492292 - NO CHANGE Device Data Collector Missing & Score > 35), (Rule #1492298 - NO CHANGE when Score > 45), (Rule #1491020 - DECLINE Order Velocity >6 within 6 hours (VMAX)). Transaction ID = DZ8C09Y1MMBT"}" style="border-right: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); border-top-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); border-image: initial; overflow: hidden; padding: 2px 3px; vertical-align: bottom; background-color: rgb(229, 239, 226); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt; overflow-wrap: break-word; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Kount has declined this order because of Fraud. 4 rule(s) triggered. (Rule #1492280 - NO CHANGE when Bill Address is not Deliverable and Kount score > 35), (Rule #1492292 - NO CHANGE Device Data Collector Missing & Score > 35), (Rule #1492298 - NO CHANGE when Score > 45), (Rule #1491020 - DECLINE Order Velocity >6 within 6 hours (VMAX)). Transaction ID = DZ8C09Y1MMBT Card Error No 1. ask for a different card 2. refer them to call their bank
RETRY - Invalid card number. Card Error Yes 1. Correct & retry once 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
The 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:cardCode' element is invalid - The value XXXXXX is invalid according to its datatype 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:cardCode' - The Pattern constraint failed. Card Error Yes 1. Correct & retry once 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
The 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:cardNumber' element is invalid - The value XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is invalid according to its datatype 'String' - The actual length is greater than the MaxLength value. Card Error Yes 1. Correct & retry once 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
The credit card number is invalid. Card Error Yes 1. Correct & retry once 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
Your card's security code is incorrect. Card Error Yes 1. Correct & retry once 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
The combination of card type, authentication indicator and cardholder authentication value is invalid. Card Error Yes 1. Correct & retry once 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
An error occurred while processing your card. Try again in a little bit. Card Error Yes 1. Correct & retry once 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
A card security code has never been passed for this account REFID:3138515039 Card Error No 1. Verify card being used is the one the customer would like to use, then ask customer for the CVV code 2. ask for a different card 3. refer them to call their bank
The cc payment type [Maestro] and/or currency [USD] is not accepted REFID:3145165947 Card type not accepted No Ask for a different card
DO NOT RETRY - Your merchant account authentication failed Gateway No
Place customer on hold + Ask for help in the decline channel
Invalid merchant ID Gateway No
Place customer on hold + Ask for help in the decline channel
The VITAL identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider. Gateway No
Place customer on hold + Ask for help in the decline channel
This account cannot currently make live charges. If you are a customer trying to make a purchase, please contact the owner of this site. Your transaction has not been processed. Gateway No
Place customer on hold + Ask for help in the decline channel
Vital system malfunction Gateway No
Place customer on hold + Ask for help in the decline channel
The cc payment type [American Express] and/or currency [USD] is not accepted REFID:3145165959 Gateway No
Place customer on hold + Ask for help in the decline channel
"Declined by Payment Gateway (Transaction limit for merchant exceeded Gateway No
Place customer on hold + Ask for help in the decline channel
Kount has declined this order because of Fraud. 1 rule(s) triggered. (Rule #1492306 - Decline GEOX Decline Countries). Transaction ID = DZCM09BZHS8X Kount No 1. Ask for a different card 2. Refer them to call their bank
35), (Rule #1492292 - NO CHANGE Device Data Collector Missing & Score > 35), (Rule #1492298 - NO CHANGE when Score > 45), (Rule #1491020 - DECLINE Order Velocity >6 within 6 hours (VMAX)). Transaction ID = DZ8C0DV83Z2B"}" style="border-right: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); border-top-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); border-image: initial; overflow: hidden; padding: 2px 3px; vertical-align: bottom; background-color: rgb(252, 229, 205); font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt; overflow-wrap: break-word; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Kount has declined this order because of Fraud. 4 rule(s) triggered. (Rule #1492280 - NO CHANGE when Bill Address is not Deliverable and Kount score > 35), (Rule #1492292 - NO CHANGE Device Data Collector Missing & Score > 35), (Rule #1492298 - NO CHANGE when Score > 45), (Rule #1491020 - DECLINE Order Velocity >6 within 6 hours (VMAX)). Transaction ID = DZ8C0DV83Z2B Kount No 1. Ask for a different card 2. Refer them to call their bank
Duplicate transaction REFID:1134152601 Try again Yes
1. Retry once 2. Ask for a different card 3. Refer them to their bank
Response Timeout Try again Yes
1. Retry once 2. Ask for a different card 3. Refer them to their bank
Internal error REFID:3145152884 Try again Yes
1. Retry once 2. Ask for a different card 3. Refer them to their bank
Miscellaneous errors not listed on this sheet ? No Post to the decline slack channel
"Declined by Payment Gateway (Transaction limit for merchant exceeded

View this information in a spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Lw4d-kceS2OUB99AAG3IAiKQEtuDsENVzzzQD9SVgC0/edit#gid=0

Authnet decline reasons: https://unipaygateway.info/codes/gateways/_2/40#response-code-gateway-40

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