LL - TSM - Re: Hey Man!
When customers ask to receive a freebie, they are signed up for the list "Ignition Thrive Opt-In" and one of the emails they receive has the subject, "Hey Man!".
When they reply with something other than what is asked - such as needing login help, have general questions, or seeking billing assistance, they should be handled by anyone who picks up that ticket.
If they don't actually need any help, this ticket should be assigned to Gladys.
Handling these tickets is very easy. You will likely start your day with 1 or a few assigned to you.
First, you’ll want to look at the names in the ticket responses. If it’s an email address only, or looks like not at all a name, look their email address up in Maropost using the Contact Search bar (not the one at the top of the page). More often than not, it gives their first name in there.
If they do not have a name, you will want to reply to that direct email using the SR: EK - Hey Man
If they do, update the name in the HS customer record.
Then, you can go back to your Mine folder, and check the box next to each new Hey Man response. Then use the Hey Man workflow which will send an email response and add the hey man tag. If you have checked more than 1, keep a mental count or write that number down. You'll need it in the next step!
If they write back saying they did not get their bonus, Elana replies using SR: EK - Hey Man Where Bonuses?