LL - How to set up a subscription in Recharge
Note - Only one-time delivery item orders should be placed inside shopify. This is important because shopify does NOT communicate information back to recharge to set up the subscription. Therefore when an auto renew type order is set up inside shopify the customer is never going to receive their refills!
Please take note that any auto-renew item OR the immunity bundle promo, & free trials (which are also only avail with a subscription) must be set up within RECHARGE. If the customer already has a subscription set up in recharge, you simply click “add new product” and you are done!
If it's an auto-renew/subscription item, free trial, bundle, box, kit etc - you should set it up in Sticky.io if its for a new customer.
If the customer already has a recharge account, then you can add the subscription product from within their recharge account.
see video: https://www.loom.com/share/46cdb30fc69e474a96d55a8e42671bcc