LL - What is a flavonoid?
Long answer: Flavonoids are highly potent, natural compounds proven to support healthy immune function. Flavonoids are the miracle compounds in some of nature’s healthiest plants: green tea, red cherries, turmeric, purple grapes, raw cocoa… In plants, flavonoids serve to protect their hosts from the harsh stresses of sunlight, wind and rain. Hundreds of studies have now proved that flavonoids are the most powerful energy boosting, feel-good, mood-enhancing compounds that can be found in nature. Flavonoids are extremely effective defenses against problems such as brain fog and fatigue, long-term brain slow-down, and sports-related aches and pains. It proves to be a powerful immune-balancing and anti-inflammatory compound that require pure, high concentrations for their benefits to be realized. With VitaCell+, we have combined the seven most powerful flavonoids in existence into one capsule.
Short answer: They're the powerhouse "miracle molecules" that help some of nature's hardiest plants survive in challenging conditions. When they're extracted carefully, and consumed in sufficient quantity, they're extremely effective at providing balanced inflammatory response. What that means to you is: more energy, greater clarity, and youthful flexibility and mobility.