LL - Mementum Orders Process

Video: https://www.loom.com/share/141eaf7d451b43d89c48c21dbc607c97

Rhythmic Health is a 3rd party site that sells SCS VitaCell, Berbethin, and Omega - their orders are processed through a system called "Mementum", therefore we refer to them as "Mementum Orders".  

  • Mementum orders are visible only in ShipStation (see Image 1 below).
  • Mementum orders are shipped via our warehouse. 
  • If a customer contacts us seeking a refund on a Mementum order, they can return any remaining items to our warehouse. 
  • If a customer contacts us seeking a refund on a Mementum order but has nothing to return - use the "MEMENTUM Orders - REFUND only" saved reply, which asks them to contact Mementum support@rhythmichealth.com - and then tag the ticket: Tag the ticket "mementum". 
  • When an item is returned to our warehouse, Our Fulfillment Coordinator will be responsible for contacting Mementum in regards to returned Mementum orders received by the warehouse - as part of the Warehouse Returns SOP.
    • Our Fulfillment Coordinator should search helpscout to ensure if mementum has already been contacted in regards to the return.
      • If so, note that we rcvd the return. no need to contact them again. 
      • If not, send the customer info to mementum on a new ticket and note it appropriately - in the SCS email box. 

Auto-Workflow FYI:

  • Adding the "mementum" tag to a ticket to the ticket will trigger HelpScout to send a note from Our Fulfillment Coordinator to the Rhythmic Health Team with the customer info, so they can issue a refund or further service the customer. (see Image 2&3 below). The ticket will then be closed but auto-assigned to Our Fulfillment Coordinator so that if the Rhythmic Health team replies back, she can assist them directly. 
  • All tickets with the "mementum" tag will be copied into a folder in the SCS email box in helpscout - which will be visible to everyone for auditing purposes.

Image 1

Image 2&3. (assigned to Gretchen now) 

Saved Replies:

"MEMENTUM Orders - return instructions"

  • (AGENT  - ADD TAG: mementum)
  • Email subject - Returning your order (Order id) 

Hi {%customer.firstName,fallback=%},

Thank you for contacting us today, it's nice to hear from you.
I'm so sorry to hear the product didn't work out as you'd hoped.

We fully stand behind the quality of our products and our guarantee and if you’d prefer to return your order for a full refund, please follow the Return Instructions below:

Click here to view or print ---> Return Instructions
1. Full Name on order:

2. Email on order

3. Your Order ID is: 
4. Your RMA is your order id

To request a refund, you'll need to send an email to support@RhythmicHealth.com since your order was placed through the Rhythmic Health website.  (This info is also included in the Return Instructions).

Again {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get the results you expected. We sincerely appreciate you giving Sun Coast Sciences a try. 

If there's any way we can continue to support you on your health journey, please let me know. 

Mementum Orders - refund only 

  • (AGENT  - ADD TAG: mementum )
  • Email subject - Refund request 

Hi {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}, 

Thanks for contacting us about this, it's nice to hear from you. 
I'm so sorry to hear the product didn't work out as you expected. 

To request a refund, you'll please send an email to support@RhythmicHealth.com since your order was placed through the Rhythmic Health website.

Please refer to your Order ID: 

Full name on order/Email on order:

Again {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get the results you'd hoped for. We sincerely appreciate you giving Sun Coast Sciences products a try. 

If there's any way we can continue to support you on your health journey, please let me know. 

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