LL - How to make the New Hire Set Up Sheet
Getting new hire's accounts created before Day 1 will help ensure we have the information we need to pay them and help them get started with the login process so Day 1 can (hopefully) go smoothly. If they have issues logging into anything before Day 1, we can work with them that day to address those issues.
Set passwords that are Strong and unique, but something that will be easy for them to remember. (ex: Firstname_Rocks_2021&!)
1. Use this master form and make a copy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cQeh79FXnl50LoHvpdVVp39capDTcdALd2y4o0leGrk
2. Name the new agent's copy: Firstname's New Hire Account Set Up Form
3. Change Hi NAME to Hi their first name
4. Edit the Date and Time training begins
5. Go to your socialman.com email account, and click on the Google Apps logo then scroll to find and click on "Admin". Once you're in the Admin Console, click Users. Click Add New User.
Enter First name and Last initial. If "Automatically generate a password" is turned on, toggle it off. Set a password as outlined above. Then, toggle "Ask for a password change at the next sign-in" off. Finish by clicking Add New User.
6. In Slack, click on "The Hero Company" in the upper left-hand corner of the App, and then click on "Invite people to The Hero Company". Enter the email address(s) you created in Step 5. Ensure they are set as "Member". Click Send.
7. Add a new tab with their name to the Time Sheets. Go to another tab that has 2 weeks not yet filled out with dates or schedules. Copy that block from the Green bar to the Yellow bar, and paste it into the new tab. Add several of these blocks. In the first block, wish them a Happy First Day in team lead notes. Add the dates M-F twice each block. Training schedule is M-F 9am-5pm Central.
8. Go to HelpScout ( https://secure.helpscout.net) and click "Manage" --> Users. Click "New User". Enter their First name, Last initial, the email address you set in Step 5. Keep "Send an invite email" checked, and click "Next Step". Check the "Customer Happiness" team box, and click "Next Step". You should not need to make any changes to the mailboxes they can access, so click "Create User".
9. Skip phone set up.
10. In Sticky.io, click on "SETTINGS" at the top of the page and then click "ACCOUNTS AND PERMISSIONS". Click on the down arrow next to "ACTIONS", and click "Add Employee".
Full Name: First name & Last initial
Username: First name only. If their name is less than 4 letters, you will need to include part of their last name. (Example: Ron Rhodes = RonR / PJ Huffenstuff = PJHuff)
Email Address: The email address you set in Step 5
Password: Set the same strong PW you used in Step 5
Confirm Password: Put the same password above into this box
Allowed IP Address(es): Skip this
Department: Customer Service
Time Zone: America - Chicago (We all work in Central time)
Grant Portal Access: Check
2 Factor Authentication: Unchecked
Hit "Save"
Now that you are in that person's Edit Permissions, click on "Add Permissions"
Check the "Active" box. Then under "Add Options", check the box for "(3) Test Campaign". Check the "Additional Roles" box.
In the search box under "Add Options", search first for Customer Happiness. When those 4 come up as options, click on "SELECT ALL". That will move them up to the "Selected Options:" box.
Back in the "Add Options" search, search for Day 0 and again, "SELECT ALL". Then remove, "(293) DO NOT USE - VitaCell - Six Bottles [Day 0 Email]" and hit "Save".
You are now back to the Edit Permissions screen. Scroll down to the "CUSTOMERS" box and ensure only these are checked - Apply Consent, Order Bulk Actions, Stop Recurring, Reset Recurring, Blacklist Order, Force Ship, Void Order, View Orders, Refund Order, Save Order, and Add Tracking Number.
Then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and hit, "Save".
11. The Shopify PW's should be current. Those live in "Important Forms" in the CHO if you want to double-check.
12. The Shipstation and ReSurge PW's should be current. Those live in "Important Forms" in the CHO if you want to double-check.
13. Maropost account set up happens Day 1 because the New User Setup email expires.
14. In the CHO, click the "Share" button. Enter the email address(s) you created in Step 5.
Congrats! You're finished! Click "Share" to change the settings to "Anyone with the link" "Can view". Copy this link to put in the email.