LL - Processes to Collect Information
When we receive an adverse reaction, we will smart tag it in Helpscout. At the end of each month, we will record all adverse reactions in an excel sheet to determine our risk factor.
If someone says “hey it made my tongue swell” , “heart beat faster” , we will track it to help us form policies around how to handle any claims that get made in mass.
1 or 2 calls out of every 1000 will ask about the mercury content in the fish oil. We can provide them with our COA in these cases, and assure them that it is of the highest quality fish oil.
There are types that like to call and ask lots of questions. Try your best to figure out what the problem is you’re trying to solve. When they ask questions comparing to other products, be absolutely straight forward and specify reasons why we’re better than this or that competitor’s products. Use the product information sheets.
If you think another company’s products will work better for their particular situation, do not hesitate to let them know, “We think we’re a great company, but based on our understanding of that particular company, we think you should go ahead and try the product, and you know what, you have a 60 day trial process, so you can always send it back.”