LL - Sticky & Shopify Training Test Order Placement

How to place a test order in Sticky.io

  1. From the Orders screen in Sticky.io, hit New Order at the top of your screen
  2. Choose the campaign (341) SCS - Customer Happiness or (358) DML - Customer Happiness
  3. Choose any One Bottle product.
  4. Fill out the order form in its entirety.
      1. Use:
  • Name: Tech Test - Your name
  • Billing/Shipping Address: 123 Test Street, Test, TX 78702 
  • Email - use techtest@heroco.com email address so you can see the order confirmation.
  • Phone - leave blank 
  • USE Test Credit card: 4141 5252 4141 5252  CVV 555  Exp: 12/29

5. Hit Process Order

How to place a test order in Shopify

  1. Log into the VFI Shopify store
  2. Click on Orders - click create order
  3. Create a new customer
    1. Name: Tech Test
    2. Email - use the fake email generator tool and amend the provided email address to begin with test: http://www.fakemailgenerator.com/
      1. Example: hictoundile1947@cuvox.de should say testhictoundile1947@cuvox.de
      2. Check customer accepts email marketing
        1. To see the emails that are sent after the order is approved, leave the fake email generator website open.
    3. Billing/Shipping Address: 123 Test Street, Test, TX 78702
    4. Phone - leave blank 
  4. Select Browse product/s, then select collections, then customer happiness -> VitaCell+ 1 $49.95 then click Add to order
  5. Click Pay with credit card
  6. Test Credit card: 4141525241415252 Use any CVV 555  Exp: 12/29
  7. Hit Charge

how to place a test order in zoho

Go to "new orders"

Enter the test customer info:

  • Name: Tech Test - Your name
  • Billing/Shipping Address: 123 Test Street, Test, TX 78702 
  • Email - use techtest@heroco.com email address so you can see the order confirmation.
  • Phone - leave blank 

Move to "items:

Select SCS and add any item to the cart

Adjust the price of the item to 0.00

Move to the "payment"

and enter the test CC info

  • USE Test Credit card: 4141 5252 4141 5252  CVV 555  Exp: 12/29

In AFFID: type your first name

in C3: type "test"

Click the place order button

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