LL - Handling TSM ChargeBack or Dispute threats

TSM Chargeback threats - consult with Elana for review. The ticket should include a note of everything you feel is relevant. Also, send Elana a message in Slack saying you did so and why (ticket xxx, chargeback threat to start/after receiving an exchange offer, etc.)

  • Notate the ticket including everything you feel is relevant, all actions you've already taken. 
  • Then send Elana a message in Slack saying you assigned the ticket to her and why you did -  (ticket xxx,  threat to xxxx because xxxx, etc.).

Health Brand ChargeBack threats -   Cancel any orders or subscriptions related to the complaint and refund the customer. Issue an apology for the customer complaint - do everything you can to fix the issue and reassure the customer. If you are unable to refund due to a charge back error notification, then contact your team lead for direction on how to proceed. 

  • Notate the ticket including everything you feel is relevant, all actions you've already taken. 
  • Then send your MGR a message in Slack saying you assigned the ticket to then and why you did -  (ticket xxx,  threat to xxxx because xxxx, etc.).
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