LL - Sunken Stone SOP

Sunken Stone

Log into Sunken Stone PO Portal

Click on “Replenishment Requests”

(An active request will have “DML-and the date”)

Click on the active request & hit confirmation button.

(there will be an image of product requested, SKU, amount requested.)

Send an email to warehouse, using the saved reply named “Sunken Stone”, to request them to prepare the product to ship to Amazon.  

*The warehouse needs to provide the dimensions and weight for carton

*Some products will need barcode stickers which are in the portal

*Only 1 sku per carton and max number of pieces per carton is 150.

With the warehouse carton information, go back to the portal to fill out the boxes of shipment information.  

Sunken Stone will approve and send you UPS carton labels.

Email back to the warehouse with the case labels and request a photo of the cases with labels.

Upload the photos into the portal and after approval, Sunken stone will provide UPS shipping labels.

Email them to the warehouse and close the Help Scout ticket.

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