LL - Address Verification Process

Goal: The fulfillment coordinators will view orders marked as BADADDRESS in Ship Station daily with the goal of updating them within 3 attempts and canceling the shipment and refunding if not verified within that timeframe.

Bad addresses will be checked & corrected in Shipstation prior to releasing to PB & JP

  1. Search for RED or Orange Warning or a black circle/question mark. Look at the address for obvious problems:

- Too many characters in the first line of address (is there an apt or suite # that can be moved to the 2nd line).

- Any abnormal characters showing in any address field.

  1. Search Shopify and Sticky.io to see if they had a prior order with a similar address and make necessary changes if a correct address is available.
  2. The fulfillment coordinators assigned to contact customers should double-check the address on the following sites:

google search maps—make sure the address matches in google maps. If there is any doubt, contact the customer.

  1. If the address is only missing the apt/suite number, and it is not found via searches above, Add FRONT OFFICE to the 2nd line of the address.

If Fast PeopleSearch, Google or Google Maps don't produce a working address then we CALL the customer.

If they answer, correct the address immediately:

  1. Update the address in SS and Restore the order.
  2. Update address in Sticky, Shopify, and/or Recharge, CRM
  3. Email the customer a confirmation that you've updated their address.
  4. Restore the order in SS
  5. If a customer does not answer, leave a voicemail (1st attempt) then send an email - (2nd attempt) (see scripts below)
  6. Let them know if there is no response in 2 days, the order will be canceled and refunded.
  7. If there is no response after 24 hrs, call the customer again (3rd attempt) and send another email (FINAL Attempt)
  8. **make sure to title the emails with 2nd attempt & Final attempt
  9. If a customer does not respond after the final attempt

then refund the order and cancel the order in ShipStation.

  1. Agent will cancel the shipment in SS and refund the order

email the customer a confirmation.

Customer Happiness Actions -

  1. Received by phone note- Make a note on the ticket with the correct address. Then post a message in the urgent fulfillment channel and assign the ticket to the fulfillment coordinator- activate status.
  2. Received by email - Assuming the customer included their updated address in their email, add a note, assign the ticket to the fulfillment coordinator, and post it in the urgent channel.
  3. If the customer does not want the order in question - the receiving agent should take the appropriate steps to cancel the shipment and refund the customer. If the order is a subscription, we should verify if they want it canceled.


A: Orders - Address Verification Needed (incomplete address)

SUBJECT: Important - address verification needed 1st/2nd attempt / add tag address verif

Hello {%customer.firstName,fallback=%},

I hope this email finds you well! We truly appreciate your order of (PRODUCT NAME).

I am reaching out to let you know your order is currently on hold because the shipping address you provided is incomplete.

The address we have on file is:


Please reply back to this email with your correct address so we can get your order sent out to you as soon as possible.

Please understand that if we do not hear back from you within 5 business days we'll cancel your shipment and refund your order.

In the meantime, we're excited to support you on your journey and eager to get your product shipped so we'll be waiting for your reply :)

B: Orders - Address Updated (address verification)

SUBJECT: Address Updated / tag address verif

Hi {%customer.firstName,fallback=%},

Thank you for [your email / phone] today, it's great to hear back from you about your address.

I have updated your shipping address to:


Your order will now be prepared for shipping and you'll be receiving an email with a link so you can track your package.

Please know we fully stand behind our products and guarantee so should you have any issues with your shipment or your order please let us know right away. We are here to help!

C. Orders - Address Verification - Order cancelled

SUBJECT: Order Cancelled - tag address verif

Hello {%customer.firstName,fallback=%},

I hope this email finds you well! We truly appreciate your recent order of (PRODUCT DESCRIPTION).

I am reaching out to you again because unfortunately I haven't heard back from you with your correct shipping address.

Since we didn't get a valid address we've cancelled your order and issued you a complete refund. You'll see that amount post back to your account within a few business days.

Thanks again {%customer.firstName,fallback=%} for your interest in Del Mar Laboratories. Please know that we truly want to support you on your health journey and we're happy to help you place a new order.

We're waiting to hear back from you :)

D. Text Message:

Important: Your recent (BRAND) order has not shipped because the address you provided is incomplete. Please email your correct shipping address to us at (EMAIL) so we can get your package shipped out to you. Unfortunately, if we do not hear back from you within 5 business days your order will be cancelled and refunded. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Call Next - CH TEAM Actions: 

If a Verif call is added to the call next box the CH Agent should

Call the customer 1x, and leave a voicemail if not available. 

  1. If the customer answers an verifies the order, the place a note and assign the ticket to The FC Team so the address can be updated and the hold in SS can be removed/ order can be fulfilled.
    1. Before reassigning change the subject line to Address - Verified 
  2. If the order cannot be verified, reassign the ticket to the FC Team who is responsible for the final cancel&refund of the order and any related subscriptions. Along with emailing the customer a confirmation/notating.
  3. FYI Remove the Call Next Tag before reassigning to the FC team.
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