LL - Hooked - How To Not Suck At Messaging

Hooked - How To Not Suck At Messaging is a book written by Christian Hudson. The physical version is sold to US customers only, and the books are shipped via UPS. International customers and all others can purchase the .pdf version of this book. 

Both versions are free + $6.95 for shipping. 

As of 2/23/2020, there is no live page selling the physical copy.

As of 2/23/2020, there is a .pdf promotion going on for all. 2/24/2020 will see an email go out to everyone on Hooked - Non US Interest. 

When a customer completes their purchase, they automatically get an email with a link to download the pdf of the book and two bonuses - The Keylock Sequence and R-Rated Texting.

The sales page: https://hooked-giveaway.com/pdf

The checkout page: https://hooked-giveaway.com/pdf/order

If someone writes in to say they did not get their email, use SR- Hooked pdf - Direct Links

It provides the link to the pdf book: https://asset.hooked-giveaway.com/pdf/hooked.pdf

And their bonuses: The Keylock Sequence and R-Rated Texting

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