LL - TSM - Learn From My Mistakes
Learn from my mistakes is a physical book written by Christian Hudson. This is sold to US customers only, and the books are shipped via UPS. International customers can purchase the book if they use a reshipper to receive it because we do not ship outside the US ourselves.
All others will need to wait for a digital version. For those International interest customers, please add them to Mistakes - Non-US Interest email list and reply using the Saved Response "Orders - Mistakes/Hooked Non-US Interest"
The book itself is free, all they pay is $6.95 for shipping.
Sales page: https://mistakesbookgiveaway.com
Checkout page: https://mistakesbookgiveaway.com/order
On the checkout page, they have the option of adding a $27.00 bonus "Instant Confidence Upgrade" (which is sent Via email) https://asset.mistakesbookgiveaway.com/Instant+Confidence+Upgrade.pdf
The $27.00 Confidence bonus adds them to the Customers of Confidence Hypnosis email list.
Important Info re: Upsell 1 - If they choose to receive Fearless, Girlfriend Activation System, and Say Hello for free for signing up for the discounted Society membership, and they cancel their Society membership at any point, they keep access to those programs.
Tracking for books is not loaded into Limelight the way they are for the supplements. They are sent from a different warehouse that Laurence works with. Laurence will be providing us with a spreadsheet with tracking details for those customers who write in to ask about the status of their order. If they have not seen their tracking details, reply using the Saved Response, "Orders - Hooked/Mistakes Shipping Help"