LL - Promo Update Week of June 29, 2024


We created a brand-new funnel for the new product Repair + Restore Total Night Cream to be aware of. Further details will be provided below.

Launch Date: 

Important Notes: 

  • We created a VSL Page for the Total Night Cream with On Page Pickers similar to TPS.
  • We will offer 1/2/3 Bottles.
  • The billing Cycle for 1/2/3 Bottle Purchases is 30-day.
  • The first upsell will mirror TPS, so it will be an additional 2/4/6 Bottles of RNC


Funnel Map:

The 1/2/3 Bottle One-time, Sub toggle, and VIP purchases will lead to the first upsell which offers an additional 2/4/6 bottles of Total Night Cream. Please check the map below or click HERE to view the map.

Once created, the page can be viewed by clicking on the URL below: 



We are creating a new test on the GFAS funnel to be aware of. The test will consist of 2 variations. So it will be Control vs V1 vs V2.

Launch Date: 


  • No changes will be made, it will still follow the Girlfriend Activation System Funnel flow.

PAGE URL: https://thesocialmanquiz.com/ 

Variation 1

  • This is an existing page. It will generate the VSL according to the answer of the last quiz questions just as control.
  • We will use the Desire Order form and update the price to $79.
  • A new CID will be used for this test and the PID price in FMS will be from $69 to $79.
  • Funnel flow is the same as control, for reference view the funnel map HERE
  • In the testimonials below the order page,  we need to change all mentions of GFAS to Desire and change 'Christian' to David.

PAGE URL: https://thesocialmanquiz.com/desr 


Variation 2

  • V2 will have the Elixir VSL and will only be one VSL. So no matter which answer they choose in the quiz, they will get redirected to the same version of the VSL (all 6 quiz outcomes go to the 1 VSL page).
  • We are keeping Christian Hudson as the Guru for V2.
  • This will be fulfilled by taking the customer records on our end, and uploading it into our affiliate’s portal manually. Here are the admin logins:  

Portal URL: members.themanhood.com/login/ 

Username: agent1@enrichmarketing.com

Password: 5fg4!kM9ed$Y12!1a1

  • We need to set up some type of automation that sends a notification or update to the Customer Happiness team whenever somebody buys EOE (V2). The notification should include the customer's name and the customer's email.
  • Funnel flow is the same as control, for reference view the funnel map HERE
  • A new CID/PID will be created for this variation.

PAGE URL: https://thesocialmanquiz.com/eoe 


PLEASE NOTE that TESTING/UPSELL URLs are not to be provided to customers, they cannot place orders directly from them.

For any other questions/clarifications, feel free to reach out.

Ty! 😉

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