LL - Promo Update Week of May 3, 2024


We have an important update with the VitaCell+ Page to be aware of. Please see more information below.


  • We are adding PayPal as a payment option on the checkout pages of VitaCell+.
  • We are also adding International Shipping to all checkout pages of VitaCell+.
  • Price and PIDs/CIDs remain the same. 
  • Funnel flow changed. All checkout pages will go to the corresponding first upsell. Initially, Sub Toggles and VIP Checkout Pages will go to BioLuna Picker Upsell but now all of them will go to the first upsell.


As you can see below, 1 Bottle One-Time, Sub Toggle and VIP will go to the 3 Additional VCP Upsell while 3&6 Bottle One Time, Sub, and VIP go straight to 6 Additional VCP. The Funnel Map can also be viewed HERE.


We will be updating the ElastiVive funnel, please take note of the following:

  • We are changing the ElastiVive billing cycle from a 30/90/180-day cycle to a 28-day cycle.
  • The ElastiVive prices will mirror ReActivate’s pricing, as well as the 6-bottle purchase free bottle (HydraFlex).
  • The ElastiVive’s first upsell will mirror REA’s first upsell. This means that we will be offering 3/6/9 bottles on the picker.

Page URL: https://tryelastivive.com


For reference, please review the funnel MAP:


We will be updating the Complete Package Complex funnel, please take note of the following:

  • We are changing the Complete Package Complex billing cycle from a 30/90/180-day cycle to a 28-day cycle.
  • The Complete Package Complex prices will mirror ReActivate’s pricing, as well as any 6-bottle purchase free bottle (HydraFlex).
  • Complete Package Complex first upsell will also mirror REA’s first upsell. This means that we will be offering 3/6/9 bottles on the picker.

Page URL: https://trycompletepackage.com/



We have an important update with the AMPALIVE Page to be aware of. Please see more information below.


  • We are adding PayPal as a payment option on the checkout pages of AMPALIVE.
  • We are also adding International Shipping to all checkout pages of AMPALIVE.
  • Price and PIDs/CIDs remain the same. Billing Cycle is still 30/90/180 days.
  • No changes in the funnel flow. For reference, please view the Control Map HERE.

Page URL: nat.youryouthmetabolism.com

For any other questions/inquiries, please feel free to reach out! 😉

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