LL - Promo Update Week of January 12, 2024
RME 14-Day Metabolism Reset
We have new pages created for the Radiant Me 14-Day Metabolism Reset to be aware of. Please check the details below.
Launch Date: January 10, 2024
RME Day 0 Group 1 Important Notes:
- We created this Day 0 page for new customers who purchase the 14-Day Reset with no supplement add-on
- Customers who sign up for the subscription will get the following:
- Free bottle of Radiant Boost
- Radiant Boost Subscription that will start the next month
- Free access to Radiant Life for as long as the subscription is active
- Customers will only pay to cover the cost of shipping ($4.95 US, $9.95 International).
- Subscription will begin in 30 days for $39 a month.
RME Day 0 Group 2 Important Notes:
- We created this Day 0 page for new customers who purchased the 14-Day Reset and bought one bottle of Radiant Boost or Radiant Flora.
- Customers who sign up for the subscription will get the following:
- Free bottle of Radiant Boost
- Radiant Boost Subscription that will start the next month
- Free access to Radiant Life for as long as the subscription is active
- Subscription will begin in 30 days for $39 a month
RME Day 0 Group 3 Important Notes:
- We created this Day 0 page for new customers who will purchase three (3) bottles of Radiant Boost.
- Customers who sign up for the subscription will get the following:
- Free bottle of Radiant Rise
- Free bottle of Radiant Flora
- Free bottle of Radiant Recharge
- A Radiant Boost bottle will be included on the subscription starting on the 4th month at no additional cost
- Free access to Radiant Life for as long as the subscription is active
- The subscription will begin in 30 days for $79 a month
PID Info:
The page URLs are below, please use those links to view the pages for your reference.
We have a new funnel for Complete Package Complex.
Launch Date: 1/09/24
The funnel starts with a TSL with pickers that allow the customer to choose the option they prefer.
Funnel Page: https://completepackagecomplex.suncoastsciences.com/
The TSL Offers 1, 3, and 6 bottles of Complete Package Complex with a subscription possibility for all 3.
Offers shipping to the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Spain, France, Sweden, and Germany.
View the funnel MAP HERE.
PID Info below:
Upsell/Downsell pages:
Note: These pages are not to be shared with the customer, they are upsells and orders cannot be placed from them.
We have a new test running for ReActivate to be aware of, it consists of Control vs 1 Variation.
Launch Date: End of the week
No changes
V1 Notes:
We are adding PayPal option on the checkout pages so the funnel doesn’t change and CID/PIDs remain the same.
You can see the PayPal option below:
Please review the changes for the following pages, for reference:
We have new tests running to be aware of. The test implemented is for Radiant Flora, and it consists of control vs 1 variation. This is a price test and it will not impact the funnel flow.
Date Launch: End of Week 1/12/24
1. For control, we will keep prices as follows:
- 1 bottle: $39.95
- 3 bottles: $29.95
- 6 bottles: $19.95
2. Funnel doesn’t change
Variation 1:
1. For V1, we will add new pricing as follows:
- 1 bottle: $49.95
- 3 bottles: $32.67
- 6 bottles: $26.50
2. Funnel doesn’t change
Funnel Map remains unchanged.
You can see the upsell pages below. These pages are not to be provided to customers, they cannot place orders from these pages since they are upsells.
Control: https://14daymetabolismreset.com/assessment/order/flora
V2: https://14daymetabolismreset.com/assessment/order/flora49
For any questions, feel free to reach out.