Promo Update Week of November 3, 2023

Product Updates


We have a new Thank You Page Offer Wall designed for Radiant Me.

Page Information below:

  1. The Thank You Page for the RME Control Quiz Funnel was redesigned to become an Offer Wall.
  2. Funnel flow remains unchanged
  3. The following products are being offered:
    • Radiant Boost 3 bottle BOGO- $147
    • Radiant Recharge 1 bottle BOGO- $47
    • Radiant Flora 1 bottle BOGO- $47
    • Radiant Rise 1 bottle BOGO- $47
    • Radiant Omegas 1 bottle BOGO- $47
    • Radiant Clean 1 bottle BOGO- $47
  4. The order summary in the Thank You Page Offer Wall looks like this:

In SIO you can see it as follows:

PID Information


If needed, you can also review the Funnel flow leading to the Thank you Page Offer Wall by checking the Control Map below or clicking here:

For reference, the link for the Radiant Me Thank You Page Offer Wall is below. Please note that we don’t provide this link to our customers, they cannot place orders directly from the offer wall page since this is a “Thank You Page”.

View the new Thank You page below:

SCS- Complete Eye Serum 

We made an update on the Complete Eye Serum Page. We are now offering 1/2/3 Bottles to our customers instead of 1/3/6.

Important Notes:

  1. We updated the bottle count, we now offer 1/2/3 bottles
  2. The one-time purchase prices for the 1/2/3 bottles are $59/$99/$119
  3. The sub toggle/VIP prices for the 1/2/3 bottles are $53.10/$89/$107
  4. The Sub toggle/VIP billing cycle for the 1/2/3 bottles is every 30 days.
  5. The Upsells and Downsells were also updated, the control map and PIDs are added below for reference.

In SIO you can see it as follows:


Control MAP:

For Reference, you can review the control map below or by clicking here:

As you can see above, all checkout pages lead to the Complete Eye Serum BOGO upsell.

For reference, you can view the Complete Eye Serum VSL Page and Upsell Pages below.  Please note that all upsell pages are not to be provided to customers, they cannot place orders from the following pages since these are upsells.

VSL Page:

Upsell Pages:

Total Neck Cream

We made an update on the Total Neck Cream Page. We are now offering 1/2/3 Bottles to our customers instead of 1/3/6.

Notes For Page:

1. We are changing the bottle offer to 1/2/3

2. Total Neck Cream offers VIP only for 1 btl purchases

You can view the map , HERE.

PID information:

View all funnel pages below:

Upsells and Downsells:

Please note that we don’t provide this link to our customers, they cannot place orders directly from upsell pages.


Complete Eye Serum

We will have a new test to be aware of. The test will be implemented for Complete Eye Serum, and it will consist of 1 variation against control. No changes were made to the control.

Split Test Purpose: We will be testing the new pricing for the 1/3/4 bottle count.

Notes for Variation:

  1. We will offer 1/3/4 Bottle to customers
  2. One-time purchase prices:
    • 1 bottle-$59.95 +$4.95 S&H
    • 3 bottles-$119
    • 4 bottles-$132
  3. Sub toggle/VIP Prices:
    • 1 bottle-$53.10
    • 3 bottles-$107
    • 4 bottles-$120
  4. Funnel flow remains the same

In SIO you can see it as follows:


Variation MAP:

For Reference, you can review the variation map below or by clicking here



We have a test that ended to be aware of. The test was implemented for The Social Man- Girlfriend Activation System Quiz Funnel, and it consisted of control and 2 variations.


Split Test Purpose: To test the Desire upsell flow on the Quiz funnel (Lust was adapted from the Desire copy and new Elite Attraction Masterclass pages - one variation will have Desire and one will have Unbreakable) against the control.

WINNER: The test was called for Control so no changes were made.

Control MAP:

For Reference, you can review the control map below or by clicking here:

For any questions feel free to reach out. 😊

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