LL - Promo Update Week of September 22, 2023

DML- Complete Neck Cream 

We have a new funnel created for Complete Neck Cream to be aware of, kindly check the information below:

Active Funnel date: 9/16/23

Important Notes:

  1. The Picker will be on the VSL Page 
  2. Offering 1/2/3 Bottles
  3. One-time prices for 1/2/3 Bottles are $59/$99/$119
  4. VIP/Sub Toggle prices are $54/$89/$107
  5. International Shipping will be offered, and we added an international shipping disclaimer on the buy boxes
  6. The billing cycle is 30/60/90 days

In SIO you can see it as follows:

PID Information below:

Control Map:

The funnel map shows that the VSL page has pickers that lead to the checkout page of the chosen bottle quantity, whether one-time or VIP. One time and VIP purchase for one bottle will go straight to the additional 3 bottles upsell, while the 2&3 bottles one time and VIP goes to the additional six bottles upsell. Please review the funnel map flow below, it can also be viewed here.

For reference, the links for VSL, checkout, and upsell pages are below. Please note that the upsell pages are not to be provided to customers, they cannot place orders from the following pages since these are upsells.

VSL Page:














Total Package Serum

We have a new test running to be aware of. The test implemented is for Total Package Serum and it consists of 2 variations.

Variation 1:

1. We are adding the VIP option to the choose page, using “VitaCell Style” subscription box (subs box at the left)

2. This page will lead to New VIP checkout pages and existing 1-time checkout pages

Variation 1 Choose Page: https://trytotalpackage.net/vip1/order/choose

Variation 2:

1. We are adding Subscription box as well, using the “CeraLift style” (Subscribe and Sve below bottle options)

Variation 1 Choose Page: https://trytotalpackage.net/vip2/order/choose

We have included VIP pages in our funnel for these tests. You can view the map here: DML-TPS-CART-VIP-ALL (V1 &V2)

CIDs/PIDs for new VIP pages:

Once we have a winner, we will be notifying you and providing winner details.

Radiant Me

Radiant Boost

This week we have a new Update for Radiant Boost.

Update: Price change 

New Prices:

You can view the Page here: https://radiantboost.radiant.me/

Radiant Recharge

We have a new funnel created for Radiant Recharge to be aware of, kindly check the information below:

Start date: 9/25/23

Important Notes:

  1. We’ll create a new funnel for  Radiant Recharge 
  2. It will have an On-page Checkout
  3. We are offering 1/3/6 Bottles
  4. One-time purchase prices are $49.95+4.95SH/$117/$198
  5. VIP purchase prices are $44.95/$105.30/$174
  6. The billing cycle is 30/90/180 days

PID Information below:

Control Map:

The funnel flow below shows that the 1/3/6 Bottles of Radiant Recharge, whether it’s a one-time purchase or subscription will lead to the additional 6 bottles upsell. The map can also be viewed here.

You can see the Radiant Recharge sales and upsell pages below.  Please note that all upsell pages are not to be provided to customers, they cannot place orders from the following pages since these are upsells.

Sales Page:


Upsell Pages:



For any questions feel free to reach out.

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