LL - Promo Update Week of August 25, 2023


Launch Date: August 17, 2023

We have new test running to be aware of. The test implemented is for EyeJoy and it consists of 2 variations. Changes were made to the control as well.


1. Pickers will no longer be on the VSL page

2. New choose page has been added to the funnel with a VIP option

In SIO you can see it as follows:

Variation 1:

1. We are offering 1/2/3 Bottles option

2. Prices for the 1/2/3 bottles one-time purchase are $49+$4.95SH/$86/$117

3. Prices for the 1/2/3 bottles VIP are $44.10/$77.40/$105.30

In SIO you can see it as follows:

Variation 2:

1. We are offering 1/2/3 Bottles option

2. Prices for the 1/2/3 bottles one-time purchase are $59+$4.95SH/$99/$119

3. Prices for the 1/2/3 bottles VIP are $53.10/$89.10/$105.30

In SIO you can see it as follows:

PID Info below:

Please refer to the funnel flow for Control below:

Here’s the funnel flow for both Variations 1 and 2:

You can see the VSL and Choose pages for control, v1, and v2 below. 

Control: https://eyejoy.delmarlaboratories.com/


V1: https://eyejoy.delmarlaboratories.com/v1


V2: https://eyejoy.delmarlaboratories.com/v2


Results from Previous Tests

Here are some updates on previous tests.

Total Package Serum

This test ran with Control vs  2 variations:

Variation 1:

1. On V1 we increased the 1 btl price from $49 to $59

Variation 2:

1. One bottle checkout will be $59 as well as V1.

2. We added a FREE Mystery Gift (RejuvaTress) to 3 bottle purchases. The customers are not able to see what the mystery gift is until the order is placed. 

WINNER: Control: Bottle price remains at $49


The test implemented is for ReActivate 3 Bottles Cart and it has 1 variation.

Launch Date: 8/09/2023

Variation 1:

1. The three-bottle price for one-time purchase will be changed to $129, $43 for each bottle.

2.  The three-bottle price for VIP/sub toggle will be changed to $116, $38.70 for each bottle.

WINNER: Variation 1. Three bottles of ReActivate are now $129, $43 per bottle. 

View the choose pages below:

ReActivate: https://reactivateskin.com/order/choose

Total Package Serum: https://totalpackageserum.delmarlaboratories.com/order/choose

I you have any questions feel free to reach out .

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