LL - Promo Update Week of March 13, 2023
Hello Team - Here’s our promo for the Week of March 13, 2023
***Del Mar Labaratories
March 14-17 HydraGlo BOGO
- Automatic discount code
- Exclusive link: https://store.delmarlaboratories.com/products/hydraglo-bogo
- Shopify only
*** Sun Coast Sciences
March 11 - 14 HydraFlex + BioShield MD (Joint Pain) BOGO
- Exclusive link (Sticky) - https://hydraflex.suncoastsciences.com/bioshieldbogo
- Our email copy primarily talks about HydraFlex as a supplement for joints and presents BMD as the freebie
March 15 Instagram Immunity Box Giveaway
March 16-18 St. Patrick's Day 20% Sitewide Sale- Automatic discount on all orders
- Includes subscriptions but we're not proactively promoting it
- Shopify only
***Radiant Me
March 15 (Affiliate) BioLuna
- Regular promo, no discount
- https://www.trkscs2.com/D6ZH8HCS/76KDZW/?sub1=CH
***The Social Man
March 13-14 - TSM Coaching Program (a.k.a The Accelerator Program)
March 15 - 17 - Obsession