LL - Promo Update Week of February 20, 2023

Hello Team - Here’s our promo for the  Week of February 20, 2023

***Del Mar Labaratories

Feb 20 - Content Email - Ask Me Anything (a.k.a AMA)

  • This is a content email (educationational) where we answers commonly-asked questions from readers. 
  • At the end of the email, we encourage them to send in their questions and we'll choose 1-2 questions to be featured on our next "AMA" email.
  • If you receive replies, please add them here >>. Thank you

Feb 21-23 PCO Pro 

Feb 25-28 Affiliate - BioLuna (SCS)

*** Sun Coast Sciences

Feb 20 Affiliate Promo - ProDentim

Feb 22-25 SCS Collagen

Feb 26-28 [NEW] BioShield MD Buy 6, Get 6 Promo
- Straight to checkout
- Free bottles are automatically applied, no code is needed
- Email and SMS only

***Radiant Me
Feb 22-24 Affiliate - BioShield MD
- Regular promo, no discount
- https://www.trkscs.com/D6ZH8HCS/66RQ8Q/?sub1=23.02.22

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