LL - Promo Update Week of January 23, 2023

Hello Team - Here’s our promo for the  Week of January 23, 2023

***Del Mar Labaratories
Jan 24-29 Eye Joy Relaunch

  • We are A/B testing a long form vs a video sales letter
  • The cart opens on January 26, 2023 (Thursday)
  • No additional discount
  • Note: We will also do a simultaneous voice broadcast on the same day around 12 noon EST. 
    Customers will be instructed to go to delmardeal.com and this will redirect to the Eye Joy sales page. 
    If customers request to be opted out from voicemail campaigns, please obtain their phone number and advice that changes will take place within 24-48 hours.

    Please consolidate all requests and send them to Joh (johaness@theheroco.com) by end of the day.

*** Sun Coast Sciences
Jan 24-29 Launch: Complete Eye Serum 

  • URL: https://completeeyeserum.suncoastsciences.com/
  • The cart opens on January 26, 2023 (Thursday)
  • No additional discount
  • Note: We will also do a simultaneous voice broadcast on the same day around 12 noon EST. 
    Customers will be instructed to go to  suncoastdeal.com and this will redirect to the Eye Joy sales page. 
    If customers request to be opted out from voicemail campaigns, please obtain their phone number and advice that changes will take place within 24-48 hours. 

    Please consolidate all requests and send them to Joh (johaness@theheroco.com) by end of the day.

***Radiant Me
OmegaVive Promo
Jan 25-27, 2023

***The Social Man
Launch: The Social Man Coaching Program
January 24-29, 2023

  • The Cart opens on the 24th
  • Please see this article for the complete guide

    Questions? Please tag @johaness on Slack. 

    Thank you
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