LL - Promo Update Week January 09, 2023

Hello Team - Here’s our promo for the  Week of January 09, 2023

***Del Mar Labaratories
Shake It Away (Affiliate offer)
Jan 10-13, 2023

*** Sun Coast Sciences
[New Promo] DetoxiThin + FloraThin BOGO
Jan 11-14, 2023
  • Teaser is on Jan 10th then cart opens on the 11th
  • For every bottle of DTH a customer buys, they get a free bottle of FTN. Customers can get up to 6 bottles of FTN free
  • BOGO is preconfigured via Sticky checkout page
  • Sales Page doc: here
  • Sales Page URL to follow: https://detoxithin.suncoastsciences.com/florathinbogo

***Radiant Me
Radiant Clean regular promo
Jan 11-13, 2023

***The Social Man
We are promoting our regular products/courses this week.
You may see our ClickUp calendar here to view the schedules.

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