LL-Project Update Week of January 10 2022
RadMe 14 Day Reset- We are testing the current price of $29.97 vs $49.97
TSM Desire- We are testing a revised upsell flow with exit intents and downsells.
After the initial purchase of The Desire System ( CID - 857 PID - 860 $67 and continuity), the customer will be offered an upsell for Lust for a single payment of $147, if they decline, they will then be offered a downsell for Lust, which will allow them to purchase it for 2 separate payments of $98.50, they will then be offered the 2nd upsell for Elite Attraction Masterclass for a single payment of $297, if they decline, they will then be offered a downsell for Elite Attraction Masterclass, which will allow them to purchase it for 2 separate payments of $148.50
TSM Desire- We are creating/testing a new quiz variation for Desire, the quiz will contain 8 questions that will lead the customer to a VSL based on their response, after they watch the VSL they will be taken to the checkout page
TSM Desire- We are creating/testing a new quiz variation for Desire, the quiz will contain 8 questions that will lead the customer to a VSL based on their response, after they watch the VSL they will be taken to the checkout page