LL- Product Update Week of December 6 2021


SCS HydraFlex
- We are sending an email sales letter for HydraFlex, this will be the same 2-step process that we tried for DetoxiThin.

The sales page will display the bottle picker option for 1.3, &6 bottles, but upon clicking each option, they will be offered the opportunity to subscribe and save, so if they pick:
1 Bottle for $33.90 + $4.95 Shipping, they will be offered a VIP subscription of $31.96 monthly
3 Bottles for $31.33 each/$94 total, they will be offered a VIP subscription of $75.20 monthly
6 Bottles for $26.50 each/$159 total, they will be offered a VIP subscription of  $127.20 monthly

DML PCO Pro- We have created a backpage for PCO Pro, checkout will follow suit in the same 2-step process as mentioned above for HydraFlex. 
1 Bottle for $49.95 + $4.95 Shipping, they will be offered a VIP subscription of $39.96 monthly
3 Bottles for $39 each/$117 total, they will be offered a VIP subscription of $93.60 monthly
6 Bottles for $33 each/$198 total, they will be offered a VIP subscription of  $198 monthly

 As you all heard JCH announce in our monthly meeting on Tuesday, we will be fully switching over to Kajabi soon, while there is no definite timeline as of yet. Blake is currently working on a more efficient backend solution than what we had originally planned, to extract all members from MemberMouse onto Kajabi.
Once we begin the migration, a massive email will be sent out to our customers informing them of the transition. This email will redirect them to the new site, and the old site will no longer be available to them. 
Please know that we are developing a solution that will allow us to still have access to look back and see the courses that our members originally signed up for in MemberMouse. This is very important for CH as you should expect calls or emails from some members that say that they are not getting access to the courses, or maybe to the wrong courses, should that happen, you will need to be able to verify what courses were purchased by customer. 
Stay tuned for more details on this :) ! 
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