LL - RAD - BBT Day 0

This is an email offer for Vitalifi's BerbeThin that is sent to people shortly after they place an order for the 14-Day Metabolism Reset.  


The offer expires after 30 minutes - an hour, so there may be people who contact in and still want to place that order. You can do this using one of the following Campaigns in SI:

(745) Radiant Fit - BerbeThin One Bottle (Day 0) 

Price = $49.95

(746) Radiant Fit - BerbeThin One Bottle VIP (Day 0) 

Price = $44.59

(747) Radiant Fit - BerbeThin Three Bottles (Day 0)

Price =

(748) Radiant Fit - BerbeThin Six Bottles (Day 0)

Price =

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