LL - Beauty Box Contest

Health Brand Promotions:

Beauty Box contest mails Jan 19, it will be a free+shipping campaign, with the Beauty Box as the primary offer (unlike other campaigns, it’s the first offer, not the upsell)

 - part of the campaign is that you can get the Beauty Box for free for twelve months 

 - in order to qualify to win, you have to 1 - sign up for the free plus shipping campaign and 2 - submit a letter

 - the letter has to be 500-1000 words, and the prompt question is “what does beauty from within mean to you?”

- if the letter is selected, they will get a free year of the beauty box

Once we’ve received all the letters, we'll select twelve and queue them up to be included as a pack-in for the beauty box. A new note will be included every month. If you get questions, please bring them to my attention. We will contact the customer and they will hear from us if they are chosen) and that submissions have to be sent on the email listed in the response email - beauty@delmarlaboratories.com  - 

Deadline is Jan 31 

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